Water Based Resins / Emulsion Latex

Latex resins are emulsions of polymer particles in water. In addition to the base polymer, the emulsion will include a surfactant system to stabilize the emulsion. Other additives are added to enhance the polymer and provide for additional properties when applied to the nonwoven filter media. 

Tunas Resin produces a range of emulsion latex, including:

Vinyl Acetate

Vinyl Acrylic

Vinyl Versatate

Styrene Acrylic

All Acrylics

Discover Tunas Resin's range of latex resins:


Coating Resins

Performance: excellent wet scrub resistance, good pigment binding, outdoor durability, good alkali resistance, high gloss, high tensile strength, good mechanical stability.

Applicationsinterior & exterior paints, water proofing, wall fillers, roof paints.


Adhesive Resins

Performance: various viscosities, good bonding strength, harm film properties, high solids content, good water resistance, good initial tack, high adhesion.

Applications: cigarettes, laminating paper, PVC, wood working, paper working, packaging, paper tubes, cones and cores, carton boxes, PSA, multi-purpose adhesives.


Textile Binder Resins

Performance: excellent color development, good color fastness, excellent mechanical and dispersing stability, optimum color development, good bonding, good flexibility, good body thickness, good stiffness, good washing fastness, good water resistance, good thickening power.

Applications: acrylics sizing, fabric laminating, back coatings, pigment printing, carpet and rug backings, leather boards, stiffening, acrylic thickeners, woven & non-woven fabrics.

Contact us to discuss further about TUNASSOL

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